Comic 11 - The mean Avatar

OK...well..who are your 'Super Five Adults?' These are the ve adults in your life that you feel you can trust and talk to, and get a bit of extra advice from. My Mum, Dad, aunt, nanny and grandad… I suppose I could talk to nanny. She’s pretty cool Nanny, can I talk to you about something that just happened? Nikki calls her nanny. They spend a while on the phone and by the time Nikki goes to bed that night, she's feeling better about herself. She sees how important it is to have adults in her life that can help her out when she needs them Yes, that’s a good idea, my stomach still feels weird about it. What about chatting with your Mum? No way, my Mum only lets me play this game because I have promised not to chat with anyone I don't know. I don’t want to get into trouble over this!