Comic 10 - Megastar
Megastar Megastar Megastar Megastar Megastar Megastar I can imagine you both feel unsure about this. Let me have a look at the article. Megastar Megastar I’ll go get Mum, she’ll know! Niki, can you see who wrote the article? It looks like it was FunnyBunny456 …That is not a real name. No, that’s a sign the post could be suspicious. Is there another sign that might tell that this article is fake? Let's rethink this. You are basing your decisions on one article. Remember, just because it's on the Internet, it doesn't mean that it's true! Is there someone who can help you nd out more about this article? Mum arrives and Lucy and Niki explain to her what happened.
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