Comic 10 - Megastar
Megastar Megastar Megastar Megastar Megastar Megastar Niki and Lucy are really excited. They are both wearing the same t-shirts with the word “Megastar”written across the front. Megastar is the best, most trendy and most talented singer EVER. I don't think I want to go to the concert. I'm not sure I like this t-shirt anymore. A friend sent it over. Hang on girls, where did you nd this article? She is THE BEST! I can’t believe we get to see her in concert later this week Hey, this is an article about how Megastar doesn't really write or sing any of her own music! It goes on to say that she pushed her sister down a ight of stairs, and now she is in serious condition in hospital! Cosmo the Communicator arrives. Lucy and Niki look a little sad and are unsure now how they should feel. Niki is scanning through her tablet. Megastar Megastar
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